Nathan Hopp

Nathan Hopp

Supervisory Special Agent

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Nathan Hopp is a Supervisory Special Agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and has over 14 years of experience working cyber-criminal investigations and operations. Nathan created and led a unit at the FBI’s Cyber Division to manage all FBI ransomware and malware investigations. Nathan has extensive experience working with international and domestic partners to protect the United States and allies from cyber-criminal activity.

Speaking in:

Wednesday Jun 25

2:45pm - 3:30pm

How AI is Supercharging Online Fraud, and What Retailers Can Do About It

New generative AI tools are enabling online fraudsters to carry out fraud schemes that are increasingly plausible to their potential victims, and do so in a way that is automated and allows them to target millions of individuals with little effort. The spectrum of AI-enabled fraud schemes includes account takeover operations, phishing, domain and website spoofing, and return fraud. This session will feature expert analysts from the public and private sectors who will highlight the scope of these threats and what retailers can do about them.