Pedro Ramos

Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos
Appriss Retail
Pedro Ramos is the Chief Revenue Officer for Appriss Retail. With more than two decades of experience in fraud and loss prevention he holds a vast knowledge of the retail space, as well as experience managing revenue-generating organizations. Pedro oversees customer growth and retention including sales, customer success, and marketing.

Prior to joining Appriss, Pedro spent much of his career as the assistant vice president of loss prevention at Pathmark Stores before gravitating towards loss prevention technology in 2008. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Kean University.

Speaking in:

June 5
1:15 pm1:45 pm
Exhibitor Big Ideas Stage
In the beginning they called it “friendly-fraud” but today retailers know that fraud and abuse in the claims and appeasement operations is anything but. Appriss Retail just completed the first ever study focused solely on the claims and appeasement areas and the results may surprise you. Learn more about this skyrocketing issue and how one retailer is harnessing AI to address claims and a broad… Read more