Director of Asset Protection
Hannaford Supermarkets
John has over 30 years experience in the retail grocery business with Hannaford Supermarkets. He has held various leadership positions over this time, including his current role as the Director of Asset Protection. In this role, his responsibilities consist of mitigating external and internal fraud, leading the brand’s crisis team which includes workplace violence and crisis communication, monitoring, and responding to severe weather events, and managing Hannaford’s continuity plans. John works closely with various state, national and global Retail and Asset Protection associations sharing best practices and insight. John was the 2023 recipient of Hannaford’s top leadership award, The John J Russell Award for Excellence.
Tuesday Jun 24
10:00am - 10:45am
Explore the role of body-worn cameras in various segments of retail asset protection. Gain insights into how this technology can effectively deter theft and reduce violence, enhancing overall store safety. Retail leaders will share best practices, case studies and the steps taken toward implementation. Learn how this innovative technology can help create a safer shopping experience, protecting both people and products.