Dean Takacs

Dean Takacs
Dean Takacs
Detective Analytics LLC
Dean Takacs is an award-winning retail loss prevention entrepreneur with an extensive background in applied mathematics, machine learning, optimization, software engineering, and app development. Prior to founding Detective Analytics, he’s held positions with major brands such as Toys ‘R’ Us, Amazon, Avis, and Verizon. He is credited with building multiple million dollar enterprise-level intelligent software solutions in fraud detection, shipping optimization, warehouse optimization, and vehicle resale optimization.

Speaking in:

June 6
11:05 am12:05 pm
This session will address how loss prevention departments can, and should, collect and share organizational LP data (investigations and incidents, for example) with industry solution providers and law enforcement. The panelists will discuss in real-world terms how to do this safely, and how this practice can aid in benchmarking against other merchants and providing key statistics to underscore… Read more