Educational Workshop: OSINT for Partner Due Diligence

Educational Workshop: OSINT for Partner Due Diligence

In an era of global operations and multi-national partnerships, effective due diligence is critical to avoid financial and reputational losses. The Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers Act (INFORM Consumers Act) has only forced retail organizations to move faster on doing their due diligence on their sellers. This workshop will teach analysts and front-line managers how to employ Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) methodologies to spot indicators of fraud or others risks about your retail partners that may negatively impact your consumers and your organization. The workshop will be a combination of lecture and hands-on practical exercises.


  • Learn how to use corporate databases, social media platforms, and other online resources to verify sellers and identify risks.
  • Introduce techniques for sourcing hard-to-find information on international organizations and individuals.
  • Gain experience navigating public records, legal filings, and other relevant databases across multiple jurisdictions.